Confirmation requirements:
Classes are held in person/online Sunday from 9:00 am - 10:00 am.
Please see Confirmation Formation Class Schedule.
The Diocese of Monterey’s guidelines for Confirmation requires a two-year journey for baptized teens. Preparation classes for the Sacrament of Confirmation beginning in freshman year of High School. Each year, the group will complete 24 classes, plus a mandatory retreat. Attending weekly Mass is a part of the journey and is expected.
Christ Child Church uses the program CHOSEN – Your Journey toward Confirmation. This program engages students while exciting them about their faith.
Watch a preview of the video below.
To register your child(ren), please follow this link to download the files or get a printed copy at the church. Forms and more information regarding the 2024–2025 year. Please follow the registration directions, and we will follow up with you once the registration is received.
Questions? Contact Carmen Madrigal (650)793-4520 [email protected]On scheduled Sundays at 9 am. The students will participate in CHOSEN sessions for an hour each in person/online lessons. In addition to participating in the CHOSEN sessions each week, students will attend one retreat per year and. participate in occasional Service Projects.
All students, public, Catholic school, or homeschool, prepare together for Confirmation. Since all belong to the same parish, we hope to promote a sense of community within our class. We do follow local school schedules the best we can, with some variation to accommodate school breaks. Thank you for encouraging this unity with your child. We are all the Body of Christ.
Confirmation Registration Donation: $50 per child or $100 per family. If you are facing financial hardship, please reach out to us. No one will ever be denied participation in our programs for financial reasons.